Bookkeeping - Accounting Cape Town and Southern Suburbs,Western Cape

What we do and why we are different:

  • We enjoy working with sole properietors and small business owners, due to the personal nature of their business
  • As we crunch the numbers, we look for trends to help understand the business better and advise accordingly
  • We believe in month to month management accounts, with wholistic view to;
    • monitoring cashflow
    • looking for opportunities
    • obtaining more business leads by improving
      • marketing strategy
      • client communications strategy(social media, etc)
      • simple yet effective business techniques/proven strategies
  • and much more "out of the box" stuff to keep your business ahead of the pack


"Rex brings a refreshing angle to problem solving, with lots of experience." Barbara Owen-Hughes

"I always know Rex is available to take my call and help me with my monthly data capture." Pete

"Rex puts passion back into the business world." Dave


For a free consultation, please contact Rex now!